An attic fan is what it sounds like—it’s a fan installed on the ceiling of your attic. It works by drawing hot, humid air out of your attic and pushing it outside. This provides much-needed ventilation, and is a powerful addition to your HVAC system. Did you know that during the hot summer months, attic temperatures can exceed 160 degrees? Imagine the impact that has on the temperature of your home.
Here are some of the benefits you can get from an attic fan:
- Increased Energy Efficiency
Attic fans are incredibly efficient. Ours use none of the electricity your air conditioning system uses because they are 100% solar. They also decrease your need for air conditioning, which lowers your monthly utility bills.
- Lower Temperatures in Your Home
By removing the hot air that sits at the top of your house, an attic fan lowers the temperature in the rooms below, which then lowers the temperature throughout your home.
- Extended Life of Your Roof
If you’ve ever climbed up into your attic during the summer, you know that’s where all the heat and humidity is, which is the number one contributor to mold growth. Your roof will last significantly longer with adequate ventilation and reduced humidity that comes from attic fan use.
- Having a Backup to Your Air Conditioner
What will you do if your A/C breaks down during the summer? An attic fan can do some of the heavy lifting until a repair or replacement is made.
No matter where you live, you can take advantage of the benefits of an attic fan to help make your house more comfortable.
Moves 2500 cubic feet of air per minute.
Solar powered.
No Thin Aluminum or Plastic
Industry 1ST 14” Fan Blade
100% All Metal Vent Housing
3RD Party Windstorm Tested & Certified,
170+ MPH Thermal & Fire Safety Switch Included
Professional Grade Hand-Fabricated Lifetime Parts Warranty